Tred Laboratories Education Department is a Google G Suite for Education Partner.

by Dave Watson August 02, 2020

Tred Laboratories Education Department is a Google G Suite for Education Partner.

Tred Laboratories limited is a Google Partner and is pleased to offer G Suite for Education to Jamaican schools. The current pandemic and the greater needs among students pressurize teachers to be more versatile in the classroom. G Suite can transform the needs of students and provide the versatility that they require with five tools.

The first two tools offer the ability to collaborate and communicate anywhere effortlessly while remaining on task. G suite accomplishes this with Google Meet, which connects students and teachers to allow them to teach and learn anywhere. Students and teachers can also co-create and edit in real-time using Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Additionally, google drive provides the ability to access docs offline without losing a draft. The third tool simply and efficiently manages courses, grades, and more. Teachers can manage classrooms and assignments and allow the easy creation and organization of coursework. Students also have access to rubrics that can allow grading to be transparent. Forms also make the quizzes and permission slip very easy to administer. The fourth tool helps students to elevate and organize their tasks to help them turn in their best work. Originality reports can be generated that help students find missing citations. Students also benefit from grammar and spelling suggestions to improve their assignments submitted. Students can also track the length of the assignment they provide to ensure they are compliant with basic requirements. The final tool allows the administration and management of students, devices, and security so that our students remain safe. There is no more data loss of important student work as Gmail and Drive keep data secure and safe.

These five tools allow the transformation and versatility that is required in today’s novel school environment. They ensure our students are safe and protected, and when paired with Chromebook, we can ensure that only what teachers and school administrators want on student devices are allowed. We closed with a quote. “Several teachers have commented: Where has G Suite been all my career? And for many students, G Suite has resulted in improved learning and engagement.”

Terry Korte, Technology integration planning coordinator (https://edu.google.com/products/gsuite-for-education/?modal_active=none)

Get G Suite for Education now by contacting Tred Laboratories Education Department.

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